Perfect hot tub water — without even trying.

Your spa is for enjoying; it's not for practicing chemistry. Tired of spending frustrating hours checking, measuring, dosing, and checking your spa over and over? The AutoChlorinator™ checks your pool regularly & and automatically treats it.

Monitor the safety of your water.
The AutoChlorinator™ continually measures and doses your water's chlorine and PH.
Easy-to-read, easy-to-understand.
The AutoChlorinator™ doesn't use complicated technology or clouds — just a couple "it's time to refill" warning lights.
Set it and forget it.
Think about planning your next pool party — not wondering if your pool will be balanced in time.
Safe, 10-second chemical refills.
Topping up your chemicals and reagents is quick, easy, and safe.
Bring-your-own chemicals.
The AutoChlorinator™ doesn't rely on proprietary technology. We strive to be vendor-neutral wherever we can.
More efficient use of chemicals.
The AutoChlorinator™ only doses chemicals as they are needed — saving you money!